The History of Biltong

The History of Biltong

January 16, 2017

Dried meat has been around for centuries and its history can be traced to plenty of different cultures. Biltong, specifically, was first created by the indigenous people of South Africa over 400 years ago. They preserved their meat by curing it with salt and hanging it to dry. Although at that time it wasn't known as Biltong.

When the European settlers arrived, they introduced a more sophisticated curing process that involved vinegar and spices such as pepper and coriander. That is how Biltong was born. The word Biltong is derived from the Dutch words "bil" (meat or rump) and "tong" (strip), so essentially Biltong means strip of beef

Biltong became an important part of sea travel due to its durability and later played a very important role in the migration of the Dutch settlers, or Voortrekkers, as they traveled further North. Biltong was the perfect travel snack because of how long it lasts, its health benefits, and the lean protein it provides (how's that for Paleo!) Biltong has always been an integral part of South African culture and is a staple food that can be found in every butcher shop and supermarket. 

Ayoba Biltong is similar to traditional beef jerky, but is also vastly different. It is made using our South African family recipe and is not smoked or cooked like beef jerky, but is instead spiced to perfection, marinated, and air dried for up to 14 days. Our Biltong is made with the best cuts of beef and contains minimal ingredients, void of anything artificial, to give it the authentic taste that everyone loves. It is also high in protein, making it the perfect pre or post workout snack. Don't just take our word for it, give it a try for yourself. Ayoba Biltong is available in Traditional and Spicy. 

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Cras quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper bibendum bibendum. Duis tincidunt urna non pretium porta. Nam condimentum vitae ligula vel ornare. Phasellus at semper turpis. Nunc eu tellus tortor. Etiam at condimentum nisl, vitae sagittis orci. Donec id dignissim nunc. Donec elit ante, eleifend a dolor et, venenatis facilisis dolor. In feugiat orci odio, sed lacinia sem elementum quis. Aliquam consectetur, eros et vulputate euismod, nunc leo tempor lacus, ac rhoncus neque eros nec lacus. Cras lobortis molestie faucibus.