Biltong Deviled Eggs Recipe

Biltong: Deviled Eggs

May 15, 2017

The beauty of Biltong is that it’s delightfully tender, super savory and can go well with a variety of different flavors. Because we’re Biltong fanatics with years of practice, we’ve found ways to take average appetizers to the next level.One of our favorite ways to incorporate Biltong into the party is with Deviled Eggs. You can go the simple route by making standard Deviled Eggs and roughly chopping pieces of Biltong on top for a unique texture and flavor. Or you can use a food grater and turn your biltong into a delicious powder and sprinkle it on top or mix into the yolk/mayonnaise mixture. Try our recipe:


  • 6 eggs

  • ¼ cup mayonnaise

  • Sriracha (to taste)

  • 1/8 tsp. Salt

  • 1/4 tsp. Ground Black Pepper

  • 1/4 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

  • Ayoba Biltong or Grated Biltong (we suggest Rosemary Truffle or Spicy)


  1. Hard boil the eggs.

  2. Let cool and peel off the shelf. (Click here for a video on easy peeling)

  3. Cut the eggs in half, horizontally.

  4. Put the yolks in a bowl and leave the egg whites to the side.

  5. Mix the yolks in a bowl with the mayonnaise, salt and pepper, sriracha and cayenne.

  6. Put the egg yolk mixture in a gallon zip lock bag, or piping bag, and pipe into the egg white "shells"

  7. Garnish with your favorite style of Biltong as slices, or place in food processor and turn into a deliciously fluffy powder.

Grated Biltong Deviled Eggs


Cras quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper bibendum bibendum. Duis tincidunt urna non pretium porta. Nam condimentum vitae ligula vel ornare. Phasellus at semper turpis. Nunc eu tellus tortor. Etiam at condimentum nisl, vitae sagittis orci. Donec id dignissim nunc. Donec elit ante, eleifend a dolor et, venenatis facilisis dolor. In feugiat orci odio, sed lacinia sem elementum quis. Aliquam consectetur, eros et vulputate euismod, nunc leo tempor lacus, ac rhoncus neque eros nec lacus. Cras lobortis molestie faucibus.


Cras quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper bibendum bibendum. Duis tincidunt urna non pretium porta. Nam condimentum vitae ligula vel ornare. Phasellus at semper turpis. Nunc eu tellus tortor. Etiam at condimentum nisl, vitae sagittis orci. Donec id dignissim nunc. Donec elit ante, eleifend a dolor et, venenatis facilisis dolor. In feugiat orci odio, sed lacinia sem elementum quis. Aliquam consectetur, eros et vulputate euismod, nunc leo tempor lacus, ac rhoncus neque eros nec lacus. Cras lobortis molestie faucibus.